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The Tufts Daily
Where you read it first | Saturday, May 18, 2024

Top Ten | Movies That Should Be Made Into TV Series

We at the Daily Arts Department took a break from playing Curditch (a sport we invented that combines the two imaginary pastimes of Curling and Quidditch), to watch some TV, only to discover that the movie "Parenthood" (1989) had inspired not one, but two NBC series of the same name (1990, 2010). This got us thinking about what other movies we'd like to see turned into TV series…

10. "Mrs. Doubtfire" (1993): What's not to like about Robin Williams dressing up like a 70-year-old British woman? This gem of a film endlessly amused us, and it even ends in a television show! Why couldn't that continue?!

9. "Gremlins" (1984): Think about it: The good guys and bad guys are all rolled up into one. It's genius! They're cute! Wait, they're creepy! And partway through the season, they could have a battle with a band of Furbies who parrot swear words that their teenage owners taught them.

8. "Flubber" (1997): Think that an amorphous blob can't be the star of a television series? Yeah, right. Don't even pretend that you didn't watch "The Secret World of Alex Mack" (1994-1998).

7. "Beetle Juice" (1988): After seeing "Alice in Wonderland" (2010) last week, we want the old Tim Burton back, and what better way to do that than to have him serialize one of his best feature films to date.

6. "Mean Girls" (2004): "The Plastics" are conniving, self-absorbed bi-atches who'd put "Gossip Girl" and "High School Musical" (2006) to shame. You know that having them on TV would just be "so fetch."

5. "Stomp the Yard" (2007): "Yo man, they STOMPIN' the YARD … AGAIN!" ‘Nuff said.

4. "Never Back Down" (2008): This show would feature buff, white boys — with the testosterone levels of bull elephants in a rut — beating the holy bejesus out of each other. No, not "Jersey Shore."

3. "Titanic" (1997): This would make for a great television show. Wait ... what would they do after it sank?

2. "American Psycho" (2000): Do you like Huey Lewis and the News? Wouldn't "Hip to Be Square" be the perfect theme song to a show where a crazy yuppie kills a bunch of hookers? Sure, it'd be like "Dexter," but it would take place in the ‘80s!

"Jennifer's Body" (2009): An amalgamation of Megan Fox's sexiness, seductiveness, bloodthirsty hunger for teenage boys and ... did we mention sexiness? Sounds like a show for HBO. Or the Playboy channel.