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The Tufts Daily
Where you read it first | Sunday, September 1, 2024

Opinion | Editorial


Editorial: Tufts’ summer glow up


With the surplus of time on our hands during final exams, the Daily’s Editorial Board sat down to dream up a list of small changes that could upgrade the Medford/Somerville campus. From facilities to dining to technology, these improvements seek to ...

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Editorial: Moving forward from TUPD misconduct

For the better part of the spring 2024 semester, the Daily’s investigative team examined evidence alleging that the Tufts University Police Department mistreated pro-Palestine protesters on Nov. 17, 2023. The evidence presented clearly demonstrated serious mistakes on the part of the TUPD and Tufts administration, which hypocritically venerates past social justice movements on campus while violently repressing the ones happening today.


Editorial: The Daily’s 2024 declassified Tufts survival guide

If you’re reading this article right now, you might be a newly admitted student to Tufts University. First of all, congratulations! As the Tufts Daily Editorial Board (that’s us), we hope to make your years at Tufts better by providing our infallible wisdom as students slightly older than you. Even if you aren’t an admitted student, we hope the quick tips and tricks we’ll lay out for you in this guide are still helpful.

Tufts Gym Editorial Graphic

Editorial: Running up that Hill — Tufts should expand fitness opportunities

It doesn’t take an Econ major to notice the disparity between supply and demand for physical activity at Tufts. Two issues are especially prominent: The Tufts gym is too crowded and it is too difficult to register for a physical education course. Given the registration difficulties that seem to persist semester after semester, along with students previously noting issues regarding the Steve Tisch Sports and Fitness Center, the quandary of searching for fulfilling exercise ought to be addressed by the university.


Editorial: A realistic guide to finding off-campus housing

There’s a lot we would ask for this holiday season, and at the top of the list is something big: guaranteed housing for everyone at Tufts. Of course, we know this wish is just that — a wish. Realistically, the vast majority of upperclassmen will have to find and rent off-campus apartments, and while we applaud Tufts’ efforts to build a new dorm and invest in Community Housing units, off-campus living will remain a part of students’ lives for a long time.


Editorial: Tufts parents should beware of Facebook

For some of you, this may be the first time seeing campus without the hustle and bustle of move-in day or the careful staging of a guided college tour. Parents and Family Weekend is special because you get to experience the true college life — except, perhaps, for the fraternity parties and coffee-fueled all-nighters.

The Setonian

Dissent: The case for living uphill

Fundamentally, we disagree with the Editorial Board’s decision to endorse downhill living but respect the deliberative process which led five of our seven board members to argue in favor of lower campus life. As such, we have decided to write a dissenting opinion in response to the Board, with whom we could not reach an agreement.


Editorial: Tufts community can help Kamile Wayit, other minority groups in Asia facing state persecution

In the past few decades, reports detailing systemic oppression of minority populations in Asia have come into focus. From the genocide of the Rohingya people in Myanmar to China’s decimation of Tibetan and Uyghur communities, the magnitude of persistent human rights violations calls for increased attention and political advocacy from the international community. 

The Setonian

Editorial: To the spirit of Ukraine

When missiles began to pierce the night sky and rain down on Kyiv a year ago, we did not think we would be able to write this piece. Like many analysts, we suspected Russia’s war crimes would lead to the tragic death of Ukraine and its people. At the time, calls abounded for Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to flee the country, fearing he would be killed by the Russian invaders. 


Editorial: Before you blame ‘the media,’ read the news

If you were an Instagram user in 2019, you likely remember an early iteration of online outrage: the Amazon rainforest wildfires. As fires tore through the Brazilian Amazon — partly due to regular farming practices and partly due to excessive deforestation — social media users were quick to direct outrage toward the news media.


Editorial: On a free student press

With tomorrow marking 54 years since the Supreme Court’s ruling in Tinker v. Des Moines, a case fundamental in affirming the First Amendment rights of students, we write to stress the importance of a responsible free press and the important role of student newspapers in holding university leadership accountable and ensuring an informed readership.