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The Tufts Daily
Where you read it first | Saturday, May 18, 2024

International students await election outcomes with future employment at stake

If you can't vote, why care? Tell that to international students at Tufts. U.S. citizens were far from the only demographic engaged in debates, forums and discussions in the run?up to today's election. International students on the Hill have been just as involved in the political scene, but for different reasons and with varying implications from those of their American peers.

Members of Tufts' international community, comprising 16 percent of the student body and featuring natives of more than 70 countries, may not be able to vote today, but that does not prevent them from having strong opinions about the candidates and issues.

Topics of particular interest to Tufts' international students include economic and foreign policy, immigration and employment, according to Associate Professor of Comparative Politics Consuelo Cruz.

"They're interested in part because of the impact that [the election] will have on their home countries," Cruz said. "But there's much more to their interest. International students are becoming increasingly cosmopolitan and transnational in their political views and concerns."

Senior Emilia Luna, an international relations and English double major from Ecuador, describes herself as one of those students who are more engaged than others.

"I am relatively informed compared to most students - both international and American," Luna said. "I have watched all the debates, and I keep myself updated by reading the news."

Nevertheless, Luna said, most international students are to some extent at least informed, whether of genuine interest or not.

Juniors Allie Can Lei and Xiaochong Yao watched the first presidential debate in a screening at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy and have been following coverage on the news and through social media ever since. Both, though, questioned the degree to which the rest of the community is involved.

"Maybe [some international students are engaged] just because they're IR or [political science] majors, [because] they may feel obligated to be updated for their classes," Lei said. "Still, I feel like the American election is not just a national issue. Everyone should be concerned about what the new leader may bring about in terms of major changes that will impact the rest of the world."

Yao is most concerned with topics pertaining to energy, as she plans to work in the energy industry after she graduates. On a broader scale, however, are issues such as immigration and foreign policy.

Associate Professor of Economics David Dapice, who focuses on Development Economics in Southeast Asia, believes that his students find issues of global climate, immigration and trade of paramount importance.

"Elites sense that good policies can somewhat fill that gap, and the U.S. matters more than most in setting that agenda," Dapice said. "The gap between foreign and domestic policy is pretty thin, so the overall approach of a president can make a difference to people all over the world."

According to Dapice, the election is most pressing for international students at U.S. colleges who hope to remain here to work after graduating.

"Many foreign students hope to spend at least some time in the U.S. working, so they are interested parties," he said. "Beyond that, federal support for research influences career prospects for many in the natural sciences. Policies towards national security, deficits and regulation, or particular foreign issues all matter to various groups whether they face regional threats, want to work in finance or are worried about poverty and justice."

Lei, originally from China, also plans to work in the United States after she graduates, despite the difficulty of obtaining work visas, a challenge Luna acknowledges as well.

"I care about immigration policy because as a foreigner, I want to be in a country that welcomes immigrations that are a key part of the American identity," Luna said. "In terms of life after graduation, I think the economy and the job market affects all of us - not only international students - and so the effects of who gets elected do affect our chances of finding a job and staying here."

Cruz maintains that immigration is perceived to be a central issue among Latin Americans, but finds that other policies extend beyond just that.

"Latin students care particularly about immigration reform, trade policy and the war on drugs," Cruz said. "But they also have political philosophies, from conservative to leftist, and from those perspectives they follow debates about fiscal, social and foreign policy in the States."

Sophomore MunirAtalla echoes a similar sentiment. Though a U.S. citizen, he works and lives in the International House and feels strongly about foreign policy.

"Put simply, we want a less hegemonic, less manipulative U.S. presence in Latin America, the Middle East, Eastern Asia and many more," Atalla said. "I think that, currently, the international community is disgusted by the American right and frustrated by the American left."

Atalla cites the two?party system as one that can polarize students and thus provide an unfair assessment of the current state of affairs. Dapice, however, still finds an overwhelming number of foreign students who support Obama.

"He seems to be of these times, while Romney's rhetoric seems to be from an earlier period," Dapice said. "Many are disappointed with Obama's first term, but do not feel that moving to Romney would be an improvement. Nevertheless, Obama is still weak on equality and opportunity issues."

On the other hand, Cruz finds a more balanced debate among the Latino community.

"They seem especially curious about whether the state of the auto industry and American manufacturing can be saved longer term, and they have fairly robust opinions about which candidate has the better approach," she said. "It's fascinating to see them press opposing views - a great civic exercise, even if vicarious."

Lei and Yao have less potent opinions on which presidential candidate they each prefer.

"Though I am leaning towards Obama, I do feel that I would need to be more informed [to make a firm decision]," Lei said.

Being able to vote is perhaps the biggest factor in driving stronger opinion and participation, Lei said, no matter the degree to which the international community is indirectly affected.

"If I knew I had a chance to vote, I would feel more obligated to stay informed," she said. "I would feel more obligated to be a part of whatever change is to come."

Despite not being able to vote in her home country, Yao feels strongly about being given the opportunity and urges eligible Americans to take advantage of their right to vote.

"I believe that people should vote if they have the right to make an informed vote," Yao said.

For Luna, the question is more about having an opinion that matters enough.

"It's a privilege to vote and a civic duty," Luna said. "I'm fine with not voting because I'm not American, but I do have a strong enough opinion that I ... know my decision would be informed [if given the opportunity to vote]."

Opinions notwithstanding, Dapice still feels that it is the duty of any international student studying in the U.S. to at least be informed in some way.

"Given how interconnected the world is, it would be foolish not to follow the policies of major nations that will have a direct impact on business, job opportunities and even the safety of global citizens," Dapice said. "The fact that so many educated people abroad follow U.S. politics suggests it is a no?brainer."