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The Tufts Daily
Where you read it first | Saturday, August 31, 2024

Love It Or Haute It: Hair accessories


Introduction: During these challenging and uncertain times, it can feel like most things are coming to a grinding halt. We are here to remind you that there is something that waits behind for no one: fashion. So, while we would love to be lounging around, scrolling through TikToks, we have a job to do. It is our duty to provide stability to our loyal readers in this time of crisis. It is our duty as fashion column writers to be a rock for our readers. Even though we cannot comment on popular campus trends, we will be continuing our hot takes of popular trends relevant to our “new normal.” This week, we will be discussing hair accessories. Because even when the world is ending, hair is everything.

Coco: This is the time for hair accessories to shine. As we move to a virtual classroom, people may be concerned with how they are going to express themselves when their classmates only see a small square with their head in it. So, throw something fun in your hair instead of wearing a cool outfit. Sure, it is not exactly the same but the end goal is the same because people might remember you for your appearance. Think about how much of an impact someone wearing a pink bob wig would have when you log in for your class. Personally, that is someone I want to be friends with. But if pink is too bold for you, wigs come in all different cuts and colors. Throw on the classic brunette bob and you are looking like Jackie O. Maybe even bring out the long platinum blonde wig you have from your middle school Lady Gaga costume. Literally any wig is a move. Even past the virtual classroom, I think that they should be normalized. If, however, you aren’t feeling the whole wig thing, there are plenty of other options to spice it up. There are feathers (the best trend to come out of middle school?), headbands, scrunchies, you name it. The point is that while you may be feeling down about all the outfits you did not get to wear (I know I am), please remember that there are other ways to bring out that creativity. 

Beans: I personally love Coco’s take this week. While we are all quarantined, spiraling in a prison of our own thoughts, something as simple as a bright wig can change the whole day. Though I personally appreciate simple hair accessories such as bows, barrettes and bob wigs, I struggle to relate to my peers exploring these options. Since the canceling of school, the drastic change of lifestyle and the lack of human contact has really started to take its toll. I see pictures of Britney Spears circa 2007 and I cannot help but envy that shaved head. I cannot express the freedom that taking a pair of clippers to my own head would bring me. The sense that maybe, just maybe, I have control over something in my life. But if that is too extreme for you, I understand. Simply take Coco’s advice and add a fun headband to your next Zoom class and soon, we will all awake from this collective nightmare.