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The Tufts Daily
Where you read it first | Saturday, July 27, 2024

Love It Or Haute It: Quarantine style


In these strange and unfamiliar times of pre-recorded classes and structureless days, we call all fall prey to losing track of time and getting into very weird sleep schedules. But, whether you are going to bed at 4 p.m. or 5 a.m., there is still one common thread. At some point, you probably need to put clothes on (at least from the waist up). So, today we will discuss how we have adapted our outfits and relationship with clothes during this quarantine. 

Coco: While I acknowledge that this is an extremely trivial problem at any time and especially at a time like this, I will not lie about the fact that one thing that crossed my mind as Tufts sent us home was that I had not yet had the chance to wear my warmer weather wardrobe. As I packed away my sundresses and sandals, I audibly complained about this. I made a commitment to myself that I would try to dress up a little while I stayed inside at home. That, however, has only been successful about two days of this entire quarantine. It is so difficult to actually get dressed when it is so much easier to just roll out of bed in pajamas. My go-to is throwing a sweatshirt on top of my pajamas and telling myself this is a new outfit. I acknowledge that this may not be the best process and it will probably lead to me being even more stir crazy than I already am, but at least I will be comfortable as I descend into madness. To fill the void that not getting dressed up has left me, I have been doing an absurd amount of online shopping (actually just adding everything I want to a cart and not getting anything). This gives me hope that I will one day be able to leave my house and wear the dresses that I see online even if this feels like it will never happen. 

Beans: All over social media, I have seen countless posts and stories explaining how, in times like these, one needs to keep a strong, consistent schedule in order to maintain some sense of normalcy. My question is, does it still count if I am consistently waking up in the late afternoon? For those of you who have taken this advice, I applaud and respect you. I understand how waking up at a reasonable hour and getting dressed up for Zoom University is a great way to keep some sanity in this time of isolation. I personally have not been finding myself doing any sort of pre-lecture morning routine. My approach is more of a roll out of bed and put on a sweatshirt so it’s not obvious I haven’t worn a bra in two weeks. Is this an enduring routine? Hard to say. I’ve barely been keeping it together and it has only been two weeks. Can I, in good faith, as a seasoned fashion columnist, recommend this routine? That is a confident no.