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The Tufts Daily
Where you read it first | Saturday, July 27, 2024

Meet the News Editors!

Editor’s note: The Daily’s editorial department acknowledges that this article is premised on a conflict of interest. This article is a special feature for Daily Week 2021 that does not represent the Daily’s standard journalistic practices.

Name: Alex Janoff

Class year: 2023

Position: Deputy News Editor

Major(s): Political science and computer science 

Why News? I love learning about and telling relevant stories. News helps me learn new things and meet new people every week. Writing for News ultimately keeps me grounded and well-connected in the Tufts community.

Name: Sarah Sandlow

Class year: 2023

Position: Deputy News Editor

Major: Biopsychology and French

Why News? I’ve been writing for the News section since I started on my high school’s paper my sophomore year. I love writing for News because not only does it give me a chance to write about current events in and around the community for my peers to read, but I’ve been able to talk to so many different people through article interviews. I’ve been exposed to a variety of topics that I may not have been able to discover if I wasn’t writing an article on them. Being able to cover live events, publish stories on research efforts on campus and writing up stories on COVID-19 updates and guidelines has been so rewarding as I’ve been able to learn about and report on so many different areas of campus.  

Name: Anton Shenk

Class year: 2022

Position: News Editor

Major: Quantitative economics

Why News? To ask interesting questions and learn more about the school — from what it does well to what it could do better.

Name: Liza Harris 

Class year: 2021

Position: News Editor

Major: Political science and German

Why News? My parents have both had careers in journalism and I like to be on the forefront of what’s happening at Tufts!

Name: Matt McGovern

Class year: 2022

Position: News Editor

Major: English and philosophy

Why News? Nothing beats real people, real events, real(ish) time.

Name: Yiyun Thomlinson “Tom” Guan

Class year: 2023

Position: News Editor

Major: International relations and philosophy

Why News? Robert Kaplan.

Name: Robert Kaplan

Class year: 2022

Position: News Editor

Major: Quantitative economics and history

Why News? I’ve always been a big consumer of news, and the political drama of the past four years only magnified it. Aside from that, I was drawn to the Daily’s News section by accident more than anything else — it was freshman year, September was ending, and I hadn’t joined a club yet. The reason I stayed, however, is because news reporting is the most rewarding, interesting and important way I’ve found to serve the community and grow in the process. News matters!

Name: Sara Renkert

Class year: 2022

Position: News Editor

Major: Political science

Why News? I’ve found the News section to be the most rewarding and challenging section on the Daily. I’ve had opportunities to meet and write about incredible leaders, members of the administration and change makers that I never would have been able to in other clubs on campus. Plus you’re usually the first ones on campus to find out about things!

Name: Sam Klugherz

Class year: 2022

Position: News Editor

Major: Quantitative economics and environmental studies

Why News? I write for News because I believe that informing our community about relevant matters is important. 

Name: Alicia Zou

Class year: 2022

Position: News Editor

Major: Psychology

Why News? The News section provides a unique opportunity to speak to and learn from students, faculty, administration and staff that I otherwise wouldn’t have the chance to meet!

Name: Rebecca Barker

Class year: 2022

Position: News Editor

Major: International relations

Why News? You get to write history as it happens!

Name: Alex Viveros

Class year: 2022

Position: News Editor / former Editor in Chief 

Major: Biology and community health

Why News? The ethical reporting of news is the cornerstone of democracy; when people in the community are fully informed on all sides of a story, they can make informed decisions about their opinions and their stances on issues. Specifically, I like News because it allows me to dive deeper into my specific interests in scientific journalism.

Name: Alexander Thompson

Class year: 2022

Position: Assistant News Editor

Major: International relations

Why News? For the big salary.

Name: Marianna Schantz

Class year: 2023

Position: Assistant News Editor

Major: International relations and Russian

Why News? I chose news because I wanted to keep people informed on current events at Tufts University and expand on my writing skills. It has been such a great experience!

Name: Coco Arcand

Class year: 2023

Position: Assistant News Editor

Major: Biochemistry

Why News? I chose News because I love knowing more about events and issues on campus. I also enjoy being able to interview faculty and students, as I get to meet new people that I never would have met if not through the newspaper.

Name: Jack Maniaci

Class year: 2024

Position: Assistant News Editor

Major: Undecided

Why News? Being in the News section helps me stay informed about what is happening at Tufts and allows me to interact with many members of the community that I otherwise would not have met.

Name: Peri Barest

Class year: 2024

Position: Assistant News Editor

Major: Undecided but planning on biology and community health

Why News? I love reading and writing about current events, and I want to ensure that students know what’s happening on campus.

Name: Jack Hirsch

Class year: 2022

Position: Assistant News Editor

Major: International relations and economics 

Why News? I think the News department plays a vital role in our community by providing accurate information about what's happening, and I wanted to contribute to that.

Name: Chloe Courtney-Bohl

Class year: 2024

Position: Assistant News Editor

Major: International relations

Why News? I love that through my news articles, I’m able to meet new people, learn about the issues that matter to them and interact with many different campus offices and organizations!

Name: Ria Agarwal

Class year: 2024

Position: Assistant News Editor

Major: International relations

Why News? I’m a part of the News team because I like keeping myself and others informed, meeting new people at Tufts and learning new styles of writing!

Name: Michael Weiskopf

Class year: 2024

Position: Assistant News Editor

Major: Political science 

Why News? Student journalism is an important way to get students the information they need to know about their school, the country and the world. This semester, I am covering news in Tufts' host communities, particularly Somerville. As Tufts students, we each have a role in these cities and it is important to me to keep students up to date so we can all be better members of the community.

Name: Flora Meng

Class year: 2024

Position: Assistant News Editor

Major: Political science

Why News? Writing for the Daily’s News section allows me to report on aspects of campus life that are fascinating and informative for students, helping them feel more connected to the Tufts community. 

Name: Zoe Kava

Class year: 2024

Position: Assistant News Editor

Major: Undecided

Why News? Because I love getting to talk to people in interviews, and it’s also just undoubtedly the best section!