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The Tufts Daily
Where you read it first | Sunday, June 16, 2024

The artsy Jumbo | Junior Richmond brings stage designs to life


When watching productions by students or the Department of Drama and Dance in the Balch Arena Theater, it's sometimes hard to imagine the sheer amount of work required to create the stage scenery. From the original sketches all the way to the final product, junior Jeff Richmond is often an integral part of this lengthy process.

Richmond is the technical director for Pen, Paint and Pretzels (3Ps), Tufts' umbrella organization for student-run performing arts groups. He initially became involved in theater during his freshman year while working on student productions with the lighting department, but he then began assisting in the scene shop during his sophomore year.

Richmond, a mechanical engineering major, plays an essential role in bringing a designer's set ideas to life.

"[I] get a design from a designer and work with them to figure out if it's going to be possible to build [and] how much it's going to cost," Richmond said. "[My job involves] taking their drawings, drafting to build and actually building the show. Usually at that point I'd hand it off to the set designer or a scenic person."

Working on the upcoming 3Ps production of "Day Father," Richmond has recently had to take on increased responsibilities by stepping into the design and scenic roles as well. 

Despite the increased workload, Richmond is extremely happy with his experience on Tufts productions.

"I love the scene shop. It's one of the best fabrication shops that we have on campus ... and I think [the] drama department is better suited for students to work in.  [I'm] very happy working there," he said.