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The Tufts Daily
Where you read it first | Saturday, July 27, 2024

Opinion | Column

The Setonian

What's the Mood?: November

November is easily in my top three favorite months. Not that I’ve ranked them. Maybe I just really love Thanksgiving, or more specifically, Thanksgiving food. Maybe it’s the feeling of being in the home-stretch of the semester and getting increasingly closer to winter break. Maybe I’m just making ...

The Setonian

Bhallin' with Books: 'Slave Old Man'

This week I was powerfully floored by Patrick Chamoiseau’s “Slave Old Man” (1997). Originally published in French and Creole in 1997, Linda Coverdale’s translation is accurate and allows for Chamoiseau’s beautiful and significant text to be read by English speakers.Chamoiseau was born in Martinique ...

The Setonian

Bangers and Bops: Brandi Carlile and my small-town roots

Everyone wants to change the world. Scroll through a thousand startup mission statements, and this is the one thing that remains constant. Whether it be a company dedicated to reinventing the way in which we toss a salad or a non-profit giving away polo shirts to underprivileged children, it seems there ...

The Setonian

Bite-Sized Stories: Andrew's matcha cheesecake

Andrew Wang hasn’t made a traditionally “easy” pastry in the last five years, except for one classic Costco-boxed brownie mix. He is usually up for a challenge when it comes to baking, making everything from nutty Mont Blancs to a variety of decadent mousse. His classic, go-to recipes, which would ...

The Setonian

Love it or Haute it: Fanny packs

The fanny pack has been coming back in a huge way in the past year, but it is still a somewhat controversial look. Despite gracing the runways and numerous celebrities' street looks, some still think that the fanny pack is an unnecessary accessory that would be better left in the closet. Today, ...

The Setonian

What's the Mood?: Parents Weekend

As I’m sure everyone knows, this weekend is Parents and Family Weekend. And if you’re like me, your parents are coming to visit for the first time since dropping you off in August, and you’ve probably got mixed emotions about it. Yeah, you probably miss them, which is all well and great until ...

The Setonian

Bhallin' with Books: Jake Skeets' poetry

I began this week lost. I read the first few pages of multiple books, but nothing felt right. I wanted to read something else, something different. However, without knowing what, I got stuck not doing any reading at all.​Luckily, I happen to follow a lot of bookstores on Instagram. They are constantly ...

The Setonian

Oops We Did it Again: Unlike father, unlike son

History repeats itself, but not always in a perfect cycle. Sometimes it’s as if the circle flips, and we approach the same outcome from the opposite angle as before.In Britain, Brexit has created too many historical parallels to count. The most interesting of these parallels are those that take on ...

The Setonian

Bangers and Bops: Social butterfly with sad girl tendencies

In high school, teachers often deemed me either a chatterbox or social butterfly. Did I speak a lot during class about things that were not necessarily about topics in any lesson plan? Of course, but in my defense, I felt like very few people reallyhave to know the ins and outs of calculus, while everyone ...

The Setonian

Love It or Haute It: Capes

Capes have been called one of the new trends for this fall. They have graced runways for Céline, Burberry and Oscar de la Renta and are expected to make the jump from fashion shows to street wear in a huge way this year. The cape supposedly serves the purpose of keeping you warm while also having ...

The Setonian

Spaceship Earth: An accident at the intersection

When it comes to protecting our planet and solving the climate crisis we are in, we can’t forget all of those who have come before our generation. We can’t forget those who have put their lives on the line long before Greta Thunberg started sitting outside the Swedish Parliament. The climate movement ...

The Setonian

Girl Online: Being present

Lately, I’ve been having some trouble being present. I don’t know when exactly my mind stopped honing in on the "now" the way it did over the summer and shape-shifted into one that is always thinking about the next thing on my to-do list: who I’ll be meeting for a meal (when sometimes ...

The Setonian

Bhallin' with Books: Retelling a classic

Yet, with more thought, I began to see the weird sense of importance placed upon Greek mythology in schooling. These myths do not represent morals that children should be instilled with either; violence, greed and rape are often key plot points. The emphasis on mythology, I believe, is partially a product of the marginalization of other non-white voices. Why has Greek mythology been canonized for American children and, say, Native American folk lore left behind?

The Setonian

What's the Mood?: Post-midterm moods

Congratulations, midterms season is over! Well, for me at least. If you’re still on the midterms grind, then sucks to suck I guess. Remember in "Risky Business" (1983) when Tom Cruise is doing his famous dance scene to Bob Seger in his parents’ living room? That’s how I’m feeling now ...

The Setonian

Bhallin' with Books: On often overlooked O'Hara

​My ambition is really coming to bite me this week. I am currently working my way through a collection of John O’Hara’s short stories. Even with ample effort and excellent intentions, I did not end up finishing the collection entitled “The New York Stories” (2013).This selection includes most ...

The Setonian

What's the Mood?: Spooky Season

It’s officially spooky season! I won’t be dropping the Halloween playlist until the end of the month, but now’s the time to start getting hyped. The weather is getting crisper, the trees are starting to turn red (or so I’ve been told) and the existential dread that comes with realizing it’s ...

The Setonian

Bhallin' with Books: Peeking into a bookshop life

​​I have spent an insanely large proportion of my life hidden between stacks of books. A few years ago, I caught the used and rare bookstore bug and have never gone back. I love to hold a book that has had its own life while thinking of each hand that has turned this page before me. Books travel ...

The Setonian

Bite-Sized Stories: Celine's Little Meat

As Celine Chan was going into her junior year of high school, she knew that she was going to have to cook for herself soon in college. She also knew the first dish she would ask her mom to teach her: braised pork belly. Or, as her dad called it when she was younger, little meat. She never knew it was ...

The Setonian

Bangers and Bops: Too old for TikTok, too young to die

The song "Ribs" (2013) by Lorde should be banned by the FDA for being a paralytic. From its pulsing instrumentals to Lorde's constant declaration that "It drives you crazy, getting old," the song evokes such a primal fear that my youth is slipping away by the minute. Now, I've ...

The Setonian

Love It or Haute It: Canadian Tuxedos

Nothing says fall is upon us like denim jackets. But today, we are not just going to tackle the jacket; we are here to discuss denim on denim. You guessed it: the CanadianTuxedo. Though Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake’s relationship was short lived, the legacy that they built for this fashion ...