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The Tufts Daily
Where you read it first | Saturday, July 27, 2024

Opinion | Editorial

The Setonian


While the proposed pub in Hotung Caf?© is not a done deal yet, the idea is gathering momentum and enthusiasm. As Tufts students, we are excited to see there is energy and commitment on all sides to improving campus life. If this passion continues, the pub could be a tremendous positive for the Tufts social scene.

The Setonian

Could this be you?

Meet Nathan Elrod: He's 20. How about Clifford Collinsworth? He's 20. We also present to you Nathaniel Aguirre: He's 21. You're probably jealous of him; he can go out to bars now. Or, rather, he could.

The Setonian

Tragedy highlights need for campus safety

The death of University of Vermont (UVM) senior Michelle Gardner-Quinn is an important reminder of the potential dangers to which students across the country are unfortunately never invincible.

The Setonian

Don't blame Bacow

Over the last 10 years, to hear the students tell it, there has been a steady decline in the viability of the Greek system at this university. One by one, fraternities and sororities have fallen prey to the destructive predilection of an administration that hovers over them like a pack of rapacious vultures.

The Setonian

A level housing field

For those who have set foot into the comparatively palatial Sophia Gordon Hall, the revelation that the Office of Residential Life and Learning (ORLL) strives for equality among its various dormitories may initially be a confounding one.

The Setonian

Vote on party record, not page fiasco

As details continue to emerge regarding former Rep. Mark Foley's alleged penchant for underage male Congressional pages, Republicans are increasingly worried about bad press for the party as a whole,-particularly with crucial midterm elections right around the corner.

The Setonian

Let it stop with you

"Did you hear what BLEEP did last weekend with that guy? I mean, it was in the basement of a frat house."

The Setonian

An Open Mind for an Open Race

The Daily reported at the end of last year that Tufts students are mobilizing in full force for the upcoming gubernatorial primary and general elections in Massachusetts.

The Setonian

'Path to 9/11' leads straight to debacle

A whirlwind of political polarization has struck the U.S. since the Twin Towers fell five years ago today, ushering in a new idea of impassioned public debate on issues from terrorism to wiretapping.

The Setonian

Europe moves into the immigration lane

In less than 100 years, the flow of people coming in and out of Europe has been reversed. After years of being a net exporter, Europe has turned into the world's most diverse recipient of people. Today, Europeans collectively enjoy an unprecedented state of welfare, opportunity, and stability. These advantageous conditions have inevitably drawn many newcomers to countries such as Spain, France, Italy, England, and Germany. The boosters of immigration proclaim that non-European immigrants are making a significant contribution to the greatness of Europe. However, last year's London bombings and recent riots in Paris suggest that Europe is facing a crisis of integration, particularly Muslim integration.

The Setonian

Bleak start for the Greeks

With the recent suspension of Alpha Epsilon Pi (AEPi), the Judiciary of the Committee on Fraternities and Sororities has set a strict precedent for the start of the 2006-2007 academic year.

The Setonian

Welcome to the jungle; we take it day by day

Good morning, Jumbos! It's a beautiful day in Medford: The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and the Malden is like a mirror. (In a few short weeks, of course, this will be because the river will have frozen over.)

The Setonian

The most-needed renovation

Karen and Dan Pritzker pledged $5 million in 2002 to promote diversity at Tufts. When their pledge was matched by other Tufts donors, they made a second pledge of $5 million, bringing the Pritzker Challenge Gift to a total of $15 million.

The Setonian

Discard Rummy

Comparing the current conflict in Iraq to the Vietnam War has been, since the war's outset in 2003, a simplistic, weak argument against American intervention in Mesopotamia. The dissimilarities are too abundant, and the bloodshed hasn't been even close to comparable.