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The Tufts Daily
Where you read it first | Monday, June 17, 2024

Kerry Wood Vs. His Hot Tub

The Chicago Cubs pitchers and catchers began their workouts yesterday with Mark Prior, Carlos Zambrano, and Will Ohman among others throwing 30 pitches off the mound 100 percent healthy. The only thing missing was Kerry Wood. The Cubs right-hander started his season off in typical Kerry Wood fashion: by getting hurt. Wood fell out of his hot tub, bruising his ribs and preventing him from throwing for four to five days.

Wood, who has been plagued with injury after injury during his time with the Cubs, dropped a staggering 30 pounds in the off-season in order to get himself in better shape. The right-handed starter did not start more than four games last year because of shoulder problems. After undergoing rotator cuff surgery and a labrum operation - a surgury not many people are able to play after - Wood had his starting duties taken away and has been relegated to bullpen duty for the Cubs.

As a bullpen pitcher, Wood mustered a 2.25 ERA in 11 appearances and was easily throwing up to his typical 98 mph. Wood will continue to throw out of the bullpen this season, though how Cubs manager Lou Pinella will use him (as a reliever or a closer) is still to be determined.

One thing is for sure, if he cannot stay healthy, none of that will matter.

The pick: the hot tub. The chances of him staying healthy for an entire season if a hot tub can keep him out for four to five days: slim to none.

-by Lauren Ebstein