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The Tufts Daily
Where you read it first | Saturday, July 27, 2024

Amber Abdul


Bite-Size Science: The return of analog computing, a brief on the latest quantum computing innovation

While digital computers have become entrenched in our daily lives, a new analog quantum computer offers a stark contrast in both its design and capabilities. A team of physicists from Stanford University and University College Dublin created the “Quantum Simulator platform,” making it possible to solve previously unsolvable problems. This new analog computer represents a breakthrough in how scientists understand superconductivity and its merits.


Bite-Size Science: Sweetgreen's robotic model

The redefinition of the salad-making worker is upon us. Heralded by Sweetgreen, what once was a person in a plain Sweetgreen uniform now has the potential to be a singular robotic arm. In 2021, Sweetgreen acquired Spyce, a robotically staffed, automated restaurant. Together with Spyce, technology is being developed to roboticize Sweetgreen’s salad-making experience.

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