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The Tufts Daily
Where you read it first | Saturday, July 27, 2024

Top 10 ways to celebrate the passing of the Winter of Despair

In today’s Top 10, you lucky readers get a double whammy. Not only do you get to find out the best thing to do when the warm weather starts back up, you also get a glimpse into the mind of a delirious writer. At 3:30 a.m. on Tuesday, I decided to jot down the things I felt were the most important to do in the next few days. Though they might not be the same things I’d say now in full consciousness, I decided to keep them all. Some are serious and some are not (I’ll let you decide which are which), but all are entertaining ways to celebrate the recent 20-degree increase in temperature. You only get this weather for so long, so ENJOY IT. Here are the top 10 things to do now that the weather is warm:

10. Picnic on the prez lawn

A lovely, wholesome activity for you and your friends! Instead of going to Dewick for a boring meal, grab a sandwich or burrito from Hodgdon and take it over to a grassy patch for a fun outdoor meal.

9. Go for a bike ride or a run outside

More wholesome fun for the family! Instead of going to the gym and staring dismally out the window while on the treadmill, go outside and take in the scenery. Wave and smile to the birds singing in the trees and the angry Boston drivers that are perpetually in a hurry and can’t even appreciate your love for nature when you accidentally run out in front of their car.

8. Check out the Fells

The Fells is a cool park that’s kind of nearby. Though difficult to walk to, it’s worth a bike ride or Uber over to enjoy a smaller version of a nature hike.

7. Explore someplace new

Go to, as my delirious self wrote, “a small square in Medford or whatever.” There are some cool areas nearby that aren’t Davis, and fun activities that you forgot existed while you were at college (e.g. pottery painting, talks by authors at bookstores, etc.).

6. Water the flowers with your tears of happiness

Apparently you are so happy that you’re crying, and your tears can help the flowers grow.

5. Take a blowtorch to any remaining piles of snow

If you’re feeling particularly angsty and cannot be bothered to wait another week for everything to melt, you can take matters into your own hands and get rid of the gross cold stuff yourself.

4. Make mud angels when it rains because you forgot how to live in not winter

Put on an outfit that you don’t particularly care for and go roll in the mud for a while. Mudsliding is actually rather fun. 4/10 would not really recommend but YOLO.

3. DON’T underdress, because then you will be cold again and still sad and disappointed

I know you’re just DYING to wear your favorite shorts/tank outfit around campus, but if it’s a high of 60 degrees make sure you really think about that first. Remember, the point of warm weather is to be WARM. If you’re shivering this week, you’re doing it wrong.

2. Do homework outside (but then accidentally fall asleep and miss your 3:00 p.m. class)

Homework is infinitely more difficult to do outside where everyone else is relaxing, but it is also infinitely more enjoyable. Therefore, the two balance out and make it worth the attempt, right? Even if you end up napping, you’ve accomplished the goal of being less tired.

1. Drink iced beverages

Interpret that as you will, though I feel obligated now to promote the smoothies that they sell at Hotung.