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The Tufts Daily
Where you read it first | Sunday, September 1, 2024

Jessica Mow

The Setonian

Top 10 ways to prepare your body for Kesha

Finals got you down? Fear not, because Kesha is coming on Saturday to save us all from the doom and gloom. She is our saviour. She is the light at the end of the tunnel. She is the hero we need AND the hero we deserve. We must celebrate this joyous occasion of the coming of the great "Warrior" ...

The Setonian

Top 10 ways to celebrate the passing of the Winter of Despair

In today’s Top 10, you lucky readers get a double whammy. Not only do you get to find out the best thing to do when the warm weather starts back up, you also get a glimpse into the mind of a delirious writer. At 3:30 a.m. on Tuesday, I decided to jot down the things I felt were the most important ...

The Setonian

Top 10 Senior Gala locales that are not Houston, Tex.

For those underclassmen who have not heard, there was quite the mix-up that happened a few days ago involving Tufts seniors and social media. Particularly, a bunch of Tufts seniors were mysteriously invited to the Facebook event for the Rice University Senior Gala.Now, in case you don’t know, Rice ...

The Setonian

Top 10 ways to cure your apathy

Whether you went on vacation, went back home or stayed on campus over break, you probably are not ready to get back into the swing of things. In fact, if you're anything like the people I've been talking to, you’re not doing your homework at all. That’s okay -- you’re not alone, and with ...

The Setonian

Top 10 things to NOT do over spring break

Well, folks, spring break is upon us. One whole glorious week of relaxation and warm weather (unless you’re going somewhere cold. In which case, I’m so sorry). Assuming you’re going on vacation, or at least seeing the sun, there are lots of things I’m sure you’re looking forward to. You probably ...

The Setonian

Top 10 things you should do before you graduate

Graduation is a scary thing. It’s even scarier for people like me who are a. still unemployed, b. enjoying college and c. really, really not ready to become an adult. Unfortunately, though, it’s a reality that all of us seniors are going to have to face in just 72 meager little days. There are so ...

The Setonian

Top 10 things to do with all this f--king snow

Well, folks, Boston has broken its record! The Pats may have won the Superbowl again (which was awesome), but that’s not what I’m talking about. This February, Boston broke its record for snowiest and coldest winter month ever. Although we love to play in the snow -- making snow angels (or angles, ...


Athletics teams make difference through Team IMPACT

Due to the recent successes of Tufts’ sports teams, athletes are becoming more well-known on campus. However, not many students know about Matthew Govostes or Joli Vega, two children who were “drafted” to the men’s and women’s soccer team (respectively) though an organization called Team ...


Dalí provides authentic Spanish cuisine

Students who study abroad in Spain often return suffering from withdrawal from the country's unique, delicious food. Luckily, there is an option nearby that is almost as good as the real thing. Dalí, a Spanish restaurant in Somerville, is the perfect place for students to go to pretend they're back ...

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