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The Tufts Daily
Where you read it first | Saturday, July 27, 2024



Op-ed: Protests in China reveal possibilities for change

​​On Sunday, Nov. 27, a rare anti-lockdown, pro-free speech protest broke out in Beijing. Demonstrators crowded the Liangmaqiao diplomatic district, holding up pieces of blank, white paper to show their opposition to China’s draconian zero-COVID policy. Protests also broke out in other major Chinese cities such as Shanghai, Guangzhou and Chengdu following a fire in Urumqi, the capital of Xinjiang, where at least 10 lives were lost due to COVID-19-related “barricades and locked doors” that slowed down the fire evacuation.

The Setonian

Op-Ed: Real justice in Israel

On April 5, 2019, there was an op-ed published in the Daily called “Real justice in Palestine” that attempted to portray Tufts Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) as hypocritical for hosting a drag show as part of its “Deadly Exchange” campaign. It engaged in quite a lot of victim-blaming ...

The Setonian

Op-Ed: On the stigma of depression (Part 2)

Editor’s correction: The subheading of the first part of this Op-Ed, "On the stigma of depression (Part 1)," which appeared in print on The Tufts Daily on March 29, mistakenly indicates that the author suffered from eating disorders. 

The Setonian

Op-Ed: On the stigma of depression (Part 1)

I think anyone who has been through a mental illness wants to spare other people the harm, and I hope that by sharing my story, I can generate some awareness regarding this matter. I was around ten when my mental illness began. For a year I was up all night, every night, nauseous and convinced that ...

The Setonian

I Finally Told Someone

Trigger Warning: This article discusses rape and sexual assault.I finally told someone.In truth she was far from the first person I’ve told about being raped. Very far from it. But my new doctor might as well be the first ‘grown up’ I’ve ever told. To be clear, I’m not a child. I am a 21-year-old ...

The Setonian

TW: trigger warning

As I tried to write this op-ed, I doubted what validity I had in making a judgment on the administrative policy.More than a year ago, when I was raped on this campus by a fellow student, I chose not to take any legal action. This was informally recommended to me by the administration and those who counseled ...

The Setonian

Sex: the myth of masculinity

On a recent Saturday night, I found myself in an uncomfortably familiar place ... not contributing to my end of a sexual partnership. Despite the numerous legitimate reasons I was quickly able to surmise -- a new and untrusting partner, a night of festivities, etc. -- I still found myself feeling frustrated ...

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