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The Tufts Daily
Where you read it first | Friday, July 26, 2024

Jake Lawicki


Jumbo Steps: Our biological 'text messages'

At the risk of trivializing our species’ anatomical complexity, I believe that each of us (bodies, brains, blood and all) communicate with the world by sending out biological “text messages.”Take the shivers, for example (a “text” we’ll all be getting in the next few weeks). Your body texts ...


Jumbo Steps: The Ghost of Christmas Past is quite friendly

A few weeks ago, my suitemates and I adorned our suite with spooky decor in preparation for Wren's dorm-wide Halloween suite decorating competition. We were brutally outdone by the ladies a few floors above us. Their skeletons, cobwebs and orange and black witch hats really did put our suite to ...


Jumbo Steps: One round of ‘20 Questions’

I’ve been channeling my inner Mr. Moseby from "The Suite Life of Zack & Cody" (2005-2008) quite a bit lately. In the past month alone, I’ve had many visitors: my sister-in-law’s parents, my aunt and uncle, a prospective student, my brother and two former high school teachers. But ...


Jumbo Steps: From 'good mourning' to 'good morning'

Not even Carm’s endless supply of tater tots could’ve convinced me to untangle myself from my cocoon of sheets. I knew it was a bad idea to forgo breakfast for sleep last Wednesday morning. But I also knew that sleeping would better nourish my mind and body. I woke up with 10 minutes to spare before ...


Jumbo Steps: Election sagas

I wonder if viewership ratings for "The Real Housewives of Whatever Botox County" have gone down this past year. Because, honestly, why tune into that sort of cheap entertainment when CNN and Fox News can give you even better drama? I mean, let’s be real: This election cycle has been a complete ...


Jumbo Steps: My Halloweekend

“Forget the pirate eyepatch, mime makeup and superhero cape. I’ll be something out of the ordinary this Halloween,” I told myself in the days leading up to Halloweekend. I was undertaking an arduous task — figuring out how to be something novel and unprecedented was definitely going to be hard.I ...


Jumbo Steps: Be kind today

My grandparents bought me a leather-bound lined journal when I was very young. I decided to stow it in my closet right after receiving it because I didn’t want to waste the pages on stupid doodles or to-do lists. And just as with most things that go into the closet, the journal was henceforth sucked ...


Jumbo Steps: 12 going on 20

I’ve never really been one to broadcast when it’s my birthday. In fact, I’ve always tried to downplay the annual occasion — the last time I planned a birthday party for myself was when I turned 12. It’s not that my birthday isn’t special to me. It’s just that I’ve never been compelled ...


Jumbo Steps: Cosmic

I recently had dinner with a first-year whom I first met last semester while volunteering for the Jumbo Days overnight hosting program. I wanted to check up on him, firstly because I wanted to see how he was enjoying Tufts thus far, but more importantly because I know freshman year can get a little ...

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