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The Tufts Daily
Where you read it first | Saturday, July 27, 2024

John Little

The Setonian

Gray Areas Matter: Prostitution

Content warning: This article discusses sexual assault and violence against women.In Nov. of 2015 Amnesty International shocked the world by declaring full support for the movement to decriminalize prostitution around the globe. The move revealed an ugly divide within the feminist movement and forced ...

The Setonian

Gray Areas Matter: Encryption

As the technological revolution rumbles along, society is continually challenged by new legal and ethical questions. In 2016, the FBI wanted the California tech giant Apple to provide a backdoor bypass through iPhone security to aide in the investigation of the 2015 San Bernardino shooting. The case ...

The Setonian

Gray Areas Matter: Socioeconomic diversity at Tufts

It’s no secret that Tufts has a particularly wealthy student body. According to data from The New York Times, the median family income at Tufts is an astounding $224,800, placing the average student comfortably in the top 15% of the nation’s demographic, and the student body itself in 10th place ...

The Setonian

Gray Areas Matter: Abortion

Abortion is one of the hottest topics of conversation today, and for good reason. It’s an issue that affects millions of women around the world and involves a great number of religious and ethical complications. It’s certainly too complex to cover entirely within the scope of this column. That being ...

The Setonian

Gray Areas Matter: Data privacy and cybersecurity

According to The Economist, oil is no longer Earth’s most valuable asset — it's data, and we’re the source. Companies like Facebook and Google thrive off our personal information. In fact, nine of the world’s 10 most valuable corporations deal critically in big data.Whether it be Apple’s ...

The Setonian

Gray Areas Matter: A case for socialism

In recent years, there’s been a surge of socialist movements across Western Europe and the Americas. While liberals are more likely to embrace socialist programs, conservative Americans generally stand in staunch opposition to the staple socialist policies — but we’ll see that even this seemingly ...

The Setonian

Gray Areas Matter: Diversity

It doesn’t take long for someone to bring up diversity, especially at Tufts. But what might seem like a universally understood and accepted idea, at least along party lines, is actually more complicated than one might expect. Is Tufts diverse enough? Are we seeking out the right type of diversity? ...

The Setonian

Gray Areas Matter: Reparations

The early American economy, and the foundation for modern American life, was built in large part on the backs of African slaves. Today, there still exists a sizeable wealth gap in the U.S. between white families and black families. According to the Federal Reserve’s data, the median net worth of a ...

The Setonian

Gray Areas Matter: Athletic preference in college admissions

Recruiting athletes to selective universities is a tricky issue. Opponents of the practice claim that the system unfairly gives advantages to students who possess no differentiating academic talent, or worse — are less qualified than their non-athlete counterparts. Proponents cite the high rate of ...

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