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The Tufts Daily
Where you read it first | Saturday, July 27, 2024

Spenser Walsh


TCU Senate revamps funding procedures

The Tufts Community Union Senate announced major changes to club funding procedures on campus during an open meeting earlier this semester. New measures aim to improve access to campus life by minimizing barriers to club participation and enhancing student experiences through additional funding opportunities, according to TCU Treasurer Dhruv Sampat. The TCU Senate voted unanimously to pass the 244 changes to funding procedures. Sampat, who spearheaded creation of the new Treasury Procedure Manual last summer, emphasized the importance of collaboration when drafting revisions.


Tufts presents Distinction Awards to staff members

Tufts administration, faculty, staff and other community members convened on Nov. 16 at 51 Winthrop St. for the annual Distinction Awards ceremony, a celebration of outstanding members of the Tufts staff. Nominations for the award are decided by the President’s Office and the Human Resources Department at Tufts. 


Tisch College establishes student advisory group

The Jonathan M. Tisch College of Civic Life has established a new undergraduate advisory group, made up of six students from various class years, majors and backgrounds. The students were selected in part because of their involvement in one or more of the college’s programs, and will meet with Tisch College leadership, including Dean of Tisch College Dayna Cunningham.


Tufts Climate Action calls for fossil fuel divestment

Tufts Climate Action held a rally last Friday at the Mayer Campus Center Lower Patio to demand that the university fully divest from its fossil fuel holdings. The rally drew 50–75 attendees, making it one of the largest climate demonstrations on Tufts’ campus in the last three years, organizers said. 


Samuel Gebru joins Center for State Policy Analysis at Tisch College

Samuel Gebru, managing director of Black Lion Strategies, was recently named a nonresident senior fellow at the Center for State Policy Analysis within the Jonathan M. Tisch College of Civic Life. As cSPA’s first nonresident senior fellow, Gebru will help state lawmakers who do not have the tools to conduct state-level policy analysis on their own.

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