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The Tufts Daily
Where you read it first | Friday, July 26, 2024

Stephanie Haven


For second year, 'It Happens Here' at Tufts

Before a packed Cohen Auditorium, more than 30 sexual assault survivors shared their stories last night during the second annual iteration of “It Happens Here” at Tufts.Since two Middlebury College students created “It Happens Here” in 2011, an increasing number of colleges nationwide have hosted ...

The Setonian

TCU Senate Update

Interim Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences James Glaser opened up Sunday's Tufts Community Union (TCU) Senate meeting by announcing tentative ideas to create new on-campus undergraduate student housing as part of the T10 Strategic Plan."There will be some sort of undergraduate housing ...

The Setonian

Greek community forms anti-sexual assault task force

Independent of the university-wide Sexual Misconduct Prevention Task Force, Tufts Inter-Greek Council (IGC) held its first Greek Life Anti-Sexual Assault Initiative Task Force meeting on Oct. 31, with a second meeting planned for Friday. Members from seven of the 17 Greek organizations at Tufts ...


Students Take Back the Night in Goddard Chapel

Amid an ongoing reformation of Tufts’ sexual misconduct adjudication process and a nationwide spotlight on colleges' handling of sexual assault, last night's Take Back the Night event aimed to provide a safe space for survivors of sexual assault at Tufts.Six months ago,U.S. Department of ...


Live stream: Midterm election 2014

Above is a live stream of midterm election coverage from ABC News. Refresh the page and check back below for live updates!12:52am - Baker will speak at 1:00 am to his supporters still gathered at campaign watch party. NBC, ABC have called race for Baker.12:05am - Coakley will not concede to Baker ...


Former HHS Secretary discusses Obamacare, Ebola

Former U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) Kathleen Sebelius spoke about her role in implementing the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in Cabot Auditorium last night as part of the Tisch College Distinguished Speaker Series.Sebelius answered questions predominantly about the ACA from Alan ...

The Setonian

TCU Senate Update

In its second meeting of the academic year, the Tufts Community Union (TCU) Senate allocated funds to several student organizations and approved a resolution supporting a pay model for part-time faculty, which would mimic how full-time lecturers are paid.The resolution, which is specific to part-time ...


Sexual assault activist nominated for honorary degree

Six years after she was expelled, Wagatwe Wanjuki, who identifies as a survivor of campus sexual assault, could receive an honorary Tufts degree at the 2015 commencement ceremony in May. Wanjuki, a former student of Tufts Class of 2009, was nominated for the degree by senior John Kelly.When the ...


Warren discusses economy, higher education at Solomont Lecture

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) spoke about her life, the economy and higher education at Tufts yesterday for the Alan D. Solomont Lecture on Citizenship and Public Service.Structured as a question-and-answer session between Warren, students and Solomont (A ’70), the Pierre and Pamela Omidyar Dean ...

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